Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Toast Again

A key factor in any experiment's success is replicability. I was pretty pleased with the Apple-Maple-Yogurt Toast , from my previous post, a sort of...I was going to say poor man's french toast (all the poor should eat so well), but really it's more of a lazy man's, or better yet, clever man's (if I do say so myself) french toast. But I needed independent confirmation of its deliciousness, so I made it again for my valentine this past Saturday. I'm not going to say that Mary is the toughest audience in the world when it comes to food, but she doesn't always react like this:

This dish relies on the best ingredients, simple as it is. No point making it with spongey grocery-store bread or fake syrup. If you've got an honest country loaf, light or dark, and real maple syrup, you're all set. If you've grown the apples and made the yogurt yourself, well, you're a bit of a fanatic, aren't you? Not that there's anything wrong with that....

It was a delightful Valentine's Day weekend. The sun shone, filling the cabin with pleasant light, and shadow. The bird feeder was the site of an incursion of redpolls, first time we've seen them this winter.

The south-facing slopes are actually clear of snow. We saw mud, glorious mud!

Greetings from Bide-A-Wee. Wish we were there.

Text and photos copyright 2009 by Brett Laidlaw

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